Fetch all candidate evaluations i.e. interview feedback as well as structured evaluations.

idIntegerUnique ID for this record
feedbackArrayList of feedback submitted for an interview

Feedback Schema

ratingIntegerRanging from -2 to +2 (Strongly No, No, Neutral, Yes, Strong Yes)
feedback_textStringElaborate comment for why a particular rating was given
criteriaStringCriteria for which feedback was given E.g. Communication Skills or Overall
submitted_byObjectDetails of user who submitted feedback
date_submittedTimestampTimestamp indicating when the feedback was given
attachmentsArrayList of { file_name: "", url: ""}. Available only when criteria is Overall
opening_idIntegerID of the Opening in which the said interview happened
opening_nameStringName of the Opening in which the said interview happened
stage_idIntegerID of the Stage in which the said interview happened
stage_nameStringName of the Stage in which the said interview happened